How do I know if I am a candidate for crown lengthening?

Crown lengthening is when excess gum and bone tissue are reshaped, allowing the natural tooth to be more exposed above the gum line. This helps the gums to wrap around the tooth and keep bacteria out. This procedure also allows a crown to fit snug over a tooth. Crown lengthening can be done for cosmetic reasons or health reasons. Local anesthesia is used, and the procedure is outpatient, allowing you to go home afterwards.

To determine if you are a good candidate for crown lengthening, we will meet with you to go over your concerns and look at your x-rays. Our team will discuss what we see and determine a course of action. We want our patients to be in good overall health with no medical conditions that would pose a risk for oral surgery.

Reasons for crown lengthening:

  • If you have aesthetic issues with your teeth, they seem too small, or you are just not happy with your smile, then crown lengthening may help.
  • If you notice your gums are prominent, and want more of your natural teeth to be exposed. Crown lengthening can rid you of that gummy type of smile.
  • If your tooth is fractured, cracked, or there is decay and you require a crown, you are a good candidate for crown lengthening. The procedure will allow more of the crown and root to be exposed and this will help the crown fit better over the natural tooth, and increase stability.

Understanding the recovery afterwards is important before you have any crown lengthening procedure. Our skilled team at Fraser Family will go over our aftercare recommendations, so you can heal quickly at home.  On average, the recovery process takes three months.  Strenuous exercise or lifting heavy objects should be avoided for the first few days. Over the counter pain relievers or prescription antibiotics should be taken if necessary.

Crown lengthening can make your smile look great again.  Contact Fraser Family today to discuss your options, and how crown lengthening can benefit you.

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